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Wilson Tree Surgery

by Wilson Tree Surgery |

Technology has made significant contributions to the field of tree surgery over the last 50 years. 

Tree surgery involves the management and maintenance of trees with a primary focus on the health and safety of both the trees and the people interacting with them. 

Here are some ways in which technology has improved and influenced tree surgery practices:


Tree Inspection Software

Arborists often use specialised software and mobile apps to assess the health and structural integrity of trees. These tools can include databases of tree species, common diseases, and pests, helping arborists make more accurate diagnoses.


Safety Equipment

Arborists use modern climbing equipment, including harnesses, ropes, and ascenders, to safely access tree canopies and perform tasks like pruning and tree removal.


Chainsaws and Pruning Tools

Modern chainsaws are lightweight and powerful, making it easier to prune and trim trees efficiently. There are also specialised pruning tools, such as telescopic pruning shears and saws, that help arborists reach high branches without the need for climbing.


Crane Technology

In situations where trees need to be removed, cranes are often used to safely lower q branches and sections of the tree to the ground, minimising the risk to nearby structures and workers.


Stump Grinders

Stump removal is made more efficient with stump grinding machines, which can quickly grind down tree stumps below ground level.


Tree Sensors

Some advanced systems use sensors to monitor tree health in real time. These sensors can measure moisture levels, temperature, and other environmental factors that affect tree growth.

Data Analysis

GIS technology can help arborists create maps and databases of tree populations in urban areas. This information can be used for urban planning, risk assessment, and tree maintenance scheduling.


Client Communication

Arborists communicate with clients more effectively through email, text messages, and video calls. They often share images and reports digitally, making it easier to discuss tree care plans and progress.


Online Education Resources

Arborists can access online courses, webinars, and forums to stay updated on the latest tree care techniques and safety guidelines.



Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can help tree surgeons identify pest infestations and diseases early by providing aerial views of tree canopies. They can also be used to distribute treatments or pesticides in hard-to-reach areas.


Overall from all the above points, you can see how  technology has been a gamechanger for this industry. Enhancing the efficiency, safety, and precision of tree surgery practices while also promoting better tree care and sustainability. 


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